The devastating fires in Colorado and our little heat wave in Tallahassee have got me thinking guessed it, Global Warming.
I bet much of the population in Arizona (a cozy 115 degrees at Yuma Airport on June 27th), and many other places in the U.S. are pondering this great question. Come on! Admit it! It has crossed your mind this week...
I am going to offer you a way of thinking about this you may not have considered. I will come back to this...bear with me :-)
Some of you may or may not know that I participate in something called "Prayer ministry". Several churches around these parts have what we call "healing services". Its not what you might think, with people yelling "be healed" or anything. It is actually a very somber, peaceful, and humbling experience. Many people come who have need of physical, spiritual or emotional comfort and trust us enough to pray for/with them. Over the years I have prayed for many people with major physical illnesses. I don't have a life threatening condition myself, and I could never even imagine the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical struggle is brings into one's life. However, I have watched several people go through this struggle as they come face-to-face with their own faith in God and their faith in themselves. The human response to such a struggle is quite often heroic (though it may not feel that way).
This week I prayed with two people who have cancer in their lives. One had just found out her brother had cancer, and was incredibly worried and had spent a lot of time struggling with the diagnosis. She spent hours on the internet, researching. Her brain was so full of facts, symptoms, misdiagnoses possibilities, cures, etc. She was a bundle of nerves. Was it real? Was it true? Could it be fixed? What could have caused it?
The second woman had been struggling for 3 years with the disease. It was quite clear to her that she had cancer, it didn't matter where it came from or what caused it. She was more interested in how to cope with the situation. How was she going to get through her next CT scan. Was she allowed to ask God to heal her, or should she "offer it up", or both? How was she going to live without cancer "being" her life?
With the greatest respect to each of these extremely brave souls, I would like to reflect on global climate change using their responses to their situations. Perhaps it is time to shift from asking "Is global warming real?", "Can it be fixed?", and "Did we cause it?" to "How are we going to live with this?", "What do we need to do to survive?", "How do we ride this out before it starts getting cool again?"
Just a thought! I have a lot of other thoughts about this, but I think I will save them for another post!