Sunday, July 15, 2012

Eureka! Oh Dear...

I have spent years trying to understand why I can't seem to keep my house consistently clean.  Its not like I don't like it clean.  I have a good sense for design, and am pretty organized.  I will even get it looking perfect and by the end of a day or two it seems to be back in chaos.

I recently had a discussion with a friend about how our families communicate.  She likened her family to the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".  Lots of talking, being direct, boisterous, etc.  I pondered the character of my family and decided it was an Indiana Jones/Lara Croft family.  We were either working on a masterpiece, teaching about what we have been thinking about, or off to some adventure.   When we are done...the house is a mess.  When we are "in the zone", we must be reminded to eat, to sleep, to shower...and to put our dishes away.  Scrubbing pans just doesn't have the same appeal as doing research on the internet to figure out how to make Water Rockets or doing Bungee Ballet!! 

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