Saturday, January 5, 2013


"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". This was the topic of the documentary I watched on Netflix this morning. It was an interesting show..."Happy", what is happiness, what makes people happy, how is it defined. The thing I noticed the most was that I am not used to seeing happy people on tv. When I DID see happy people on tv, it made me smile!

It made me think about what I listen to on the radio, and what I watch on tv shows and commercials, billboards, and magazines.  For a nation where the pursuit of happiness is a stated goal, we sure surround ourselves with depressing, alarming, loud, sensual, shallow, and meaningless images and information.
Ephesians 6:17 tells us to put on the Helmet of Salvation. It is the part of the armor of God that protects our minds, by putting on the mind of Christ.  This new year, I am going to try to block out these negative images and surround myself with happiness, good spiritual thoughts, beauty and the arts, deep thoughts, and things that make you go "hmmm".

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